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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Reading with others...

Students have the referral bug at MNMS lately...they enjoy reading a good book and then discovering I haven't.  It's become somewhat of a game to many of them.  And that's just fine.  Most recently, a student not only recommended a book to me, they donated their personal copy to the library...therefor eliminating any excuse I might have provided for not reading it.  Despite the growing stack of books at my bedside, I worked in Magisterium:  The Iron Trial by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare and found it to be a delightful fantasy with many connections to Harry Potter.  The authors are popular at North Middle already and I don't see any problem with this book circulating continuously.  Apparently, there are five books planned for this series and if you or someone you know enjoyed HP, then you'll like this story as well.  Very similar character and plot... I found Clare's signature on the ending.  She always adds a good twist.  

On another day, I overheard one of our reading teachers encouraging a 7th grader to read A Taste of Blackberries by Doris Buchanan Smith.  When I discovered she'd been unsuccessful, I picked up the 73 page story and carried it home to my daughter who needed realistic fiction for school.  I asked her to read it and promised I'd read it right after.  I started and finished it last night.  I recommend it to those who need to read a story about how children handle grief.  It's the story of a young boy whose neighborhood friend dies and how he deals with all of the emotions at once.  Although I've worked with middle school students for over 20 years, I picked up a few details about how boys process grief that I hadn't considered before.  *If you look for a copy, you won't find this cover anywhere but in MNMS Library.  It was created by one of my students during an Ugly Book Cover Contest in 2010. 

At the moment, I'm reading one for myself.  Brandon Sanderson's second book in the Reckoner series, Firefight. I've blogged about the first book before, so I won't take time or space to do that here, but I'm excited to start a story just for me.  Even if it is a young adult novel. :D  
Happy Reading!  RC

Friday, January 16, 2015

White Fang

I haven't had as hard a time finishing a book in a very long time as I had attempting to read White Fang by Jack London.  Not that it was difficult.  Not that it was boring. (by no means!) But because it was a novel which contained so much animal cruelty that I almost couldn't read it.  There were several chapters in which White Fang is beaten to within an inch of his life and miraculously survives.  I just can't handle that!  But, as always, I took my time and finished it.  This is NOT my favorite book breakfast title of the year.  And it most likely will be my last Jack London book for a while.  That man could write some realistic fiction!  Whew!  I am anxiously awaiting the book breakfast, which is exactly 7 seven days away.  Wondering what my students thought about the brutality.  I betcha they weren't as bothered as I was.  This generation handles violence much more calmly than mine.

More happier reading please...