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Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Silver Donkey

A few years ago, one of our reading teachers suggested I read The Silver Donkey by Sonya Hartnett.  I can't remember which teacher or her exact words, but I remember making a mental note to add it to my stack.  Then, as usual, I was distracted and completely forgot about this little treasure sitting dusty on our shelves.  Although published in 2006, this book has not received the attention it deserves.  I'm about 3/4 of the way through and after sharing it with a sixth grade class, already have a reserve list for it.  Here's what I know so far...

It's a fable.  Like The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is a fable.  The students aren't used to fables being published to look like novels.  So, it takes some convincing.  Once they hear a little about it, they're sold.  The cover unfortunately does not help.  The students think it looks plain and looks old-fashioned.  I think it looks like a book someone would want to keep forever.  It even comes with it's own ribbon bookmark.  And the story itself is precious and worth sharing.

The plot:  The story takes place during WWI.  While fighting, a lieutenant walks away from the war.  He becomes blind and yearns to see his ailing brother and his home once again.  He loses his way and finds himself lost in the deep forests of France.  Two young French girls find him and begin to take care of him.  They devise a plan to help him return home.  While talking with the children, he tells them three stories about a donkey.  The first story details the donkey that carried a pregnant woman to Bethlehem to have a baby.  The baby is born in a stable.  Sound familiar? (Right away, my students wanted to know more.)  Somehow, the stories are connected.  As of right now, I'm not sure how.  Telling you would spoil it anyway!

So glad I happened upon this title again.  So glad to be able to share it with my students. 

Happy Reading!

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