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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Summer Reading 2014 Style!

Yes, Memorial Day Weekend has passed.  Yes, we're still in school.  Yes, the weather is beautiful.  No, we're not happy about it.  LOL  However, we teachers and students are making the best of it!  State testing ends today and next week we have lots of activities planned.  But it's an interesting time to be working in a public school.  Teachers remain professional and upbeat, as hard as it may be.  We are trying to make the most of our extended time with these kiddos.  Taking time to do those activities with them that weren't part of the "common core" and having those conversations with them that help them succeed in life, not just school.  I work with an outstanding group of people who care about kids and each other.  That's how we're making it...that's how we'll endure school in June! 

I've been weeding the collection and have provided students with lots of reading material for this summer.  I've enjoyed booktalking classics like White Fang and Treasure Island with them.  Some of the covers are "old" and "ugly", according to my middle school students.  You should see their faces when they realize how old these stories are.  But when I talk about a book without referring to the actual copy...only sharing the story...their eyes light up and they're hooked!  Then I hand them the "yucky" book and they're slightly embarrassed that they brought judgement upon it before previewing it.
(Just a little trick reading professionals like to use on unsuspecting teenagers!)  And for me, this is the ONLY time the phrase, "I told ya so!" is appropriate.  In fact, I need a tee shirt that says that!  I have learned that when kids realize you know what you're talking about, they'll admit it.  When they do, it sounds something like this, "Wow!  Mrs. Coombs that WAS an awesome book!  You were right!"  And then I say with a huge smile and a few happy claps, "TOLD YA SO!"  It's not sarcasm, it's truth.  :)  Most of the time I get it right when I match a book with a reader.  I haven't always been successful.  I'm willing to admit that.  :)

On a personal note, I will be engaged in summer reading, of course.  Last summer, I decided to only read adult novels that had been loaned to me by my reading pals.  This summer, I vow to read only those books in my stack.  You know, that huge stack in the corner of my bedroom that beckons to me constantly?  I'm going to read through that.  At one time, I was excited about each and every purchase and then somehow other books nudged their way into my hands and stole my attention.  So, I'm going to return to what I love...lots of Henry VIII, Jane Austen, Phillipa Gregory, etc...

Looking forward to starting summer AND summertime reading!
Happy Reading!

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