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Wednesday, July 30, 2014


What I'm reading...probably all through the night.  I've had a bout of insomnia lately with school approaching and have decided that if I'm going to be awake, I cannot sit like a zombie in front of the television.  So I will read something that will keep me awake!  LOL
Prophet by Frank E. Peretti should do it.  I've had this book for a while and it's sheer intimidating length have kept it in my stack.  I enjoy so much a Peretti novel, but have very little time for personal reading anymore.  Making time now!  

What's a Peretti novel?  Well, first of will be scary.  So spooky I'll have the "oh Lord please protect me from all the invisible demons that are probably waiting to attack me right now" prayer on my lips constantly while reading and for days thereafter.  Peretti writes of supernatural battles that occur around us between angels and demons.  His fiction is Biblically impeccable in my humble and ignorant opinion.  His work is not cheesy or meant to scare, but it's intent is to get the reader to think...really think about the decisions you make every day.  Where are those thoughts coming from?  Are you doing God's will?  How powerful is prayer?  Oh's good stuff.  If you'd like to try one, I would suggest starting with This Present Darkness.  Without spoiling it for you, just know that I stopped doing my morning yoga for a while after reading it...and began to pray before meditating.  Uh yeah.  Scary stuff.  

I don't read a lot of this genre.  I don't generally like scary/horror/spooky/ghost stuff.  My mother would call this a "devil book".  haha  However, I do plan to enjoy this one.  And what's great about Peretti books is that they're Christian fiction and perfectly fine for teenagers who don't scare easily and have a firm grasp on their salvation.  (Seriously would talk to my high schooler before letting him read this...just to make sure he understands how powerful this content can be in the wrong hands.)

If you or your high school reader want to read books that lead to lots of spiritual discussions, then here's a new author for you.  You can check out his other titles at this website.

Happy Reading.  I'll be keeping the lights on while I read!


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