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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: an eclipse novella

It's been quite a while since I read a novella. What is a novella, you may ask? The simple answer is a "short novel". However, I decided to investigate and found several interesting definitions on the Internet: a novella is "shorter than a novel but longer than a novelette", "between 20,000 and 50,000 words", and/or "fewer conflicts than a novel, but more than a short story". Whew!

After reading the Twilight Saga and viewing the movie version of Eclipse, I decided to read Meyer's latest addition to the collection. There were several moments while watching the movie, where I felt as if I was missing something...I knew I'd understand once I read the novella. Now, I want to see the movie again so that I can be in on all the "secrets".

When you read a book and then watch the movie, you are privy to the hidden messages and clues left by the author. The viewers who have never read the book don't know what they're missing. It is "over their head". I've often giggled during a Harry Potter movie while my husband misses the joke. And despite my best effort, I can't explain to him what he's missed. Since he refuses to read novels, he'll never "get" the joke! How sad!

For those of you who are truly interested in reading Bree Tanner's story, please understand that you'll not get her complete biography. As the title suggests, Stephenie Meyer provides you with Bree's thoughts shortly after being made a vampire up until the moment of her second death.
You won't be disappointed, especially if you've been craving more gory scenes from a Meyer book...she doesn't skimp on the gore. I lost count after 5 limbs were ripped from vampire bodies and I have no idea how many vampires were burned or how many were created in total. They are truly savage vampires, thirsty for blood, without an ounce of compassion or regret. All except Bree, who manages to retain her humanity.

That is, until she feels the burn...

Which reminds me. I haven't had my second cup of coffee!
Happy Reading!

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