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Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Seventeen Second Miracle

Okay, it's confession time...

I just started reading this book, The Seventeen Second Miracle by Jason F. Wright and not because I've been dying to read it...I really never thought I'd have to read it all the way through.  I've read excerpts as I previewed it for inclusion in book events and I've taken my teachers' word for it.  However, I must have misunderstood something or someone along the way because I thought this was a work of nonfiction.  A memoir.  Wrong.  It's a novel.  Do you know how many students I've given wrong information?!  Crudola.  Yep.  I goofed.  

One of my teachers dropped by to pick up some reading material for an unexpectedly warm weekend.  She picked up this book and a conversation began between her and one of my library aides who has read the book.  I commented that it was a true story.  Nope.  It's not.  So I did what any self-respecting lms would do and I checked out a copy to myself and made this my next read.  It's a novel, but in my defense it doesn't read like one!  haha

Seriously, this is a great story.  So far, I'd highly recommend it.  It's realistic fiction alright.  So realistic, in fact, that I have to keep reminding myself it's a novel.  I know that the main character holds annual small discussion groups with high school students chosen by their principal.  They meet at his wife's book store.  They have no idea why they've been invited and the main character has no idea why they were specifically chosen.  I don't know yet either!  :)

But I'm sure that the story will have the same effect on me that it's had on all other readers... it should inspire me to take advantage of any opportunity to make this world a better place.  Apparently, it only takes 17 seconds.

And if the prologue was any indication, I should expect to be hooked soon.

Happy inspirational Reading!

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